Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | March 2, 2009

dawn-paul dunbar-blog 4/1


An angel, robed in spotless white,
Bent down and kissed the sleeping Night.
Night woke to blush; the sprite was gone.
Men saw the blush and called it Dawn.

so this poem is written by paul dunbar
i chose it because i wanted to see what the title was talking about.
so when i frist read this poem i notice that it was only 4 line of course and 
also that it had a aa bb rhyme scheme. 
this poem is about not being perfect and how even the most perfect things in
the world don't end up the way they are saught out to be.
i also though of this as like an angel who lost its wings and how 
even if somting bad happens something always good comes from bad
such as wwhen the blush from the angel brought the men dawn and dawn it the start
of comehting new and that just means good has begun.
also when i read this poem i notice the puncuations marks
of periods
and semi colons and comas
it was simple yet it is a very powerful poem .
it give you and image of rjust pur and innocent in your head
this poem mad e me a fan ofpaul dunbar
Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | February 22, 2009

a grace before dinner blog for 2/23

O thou who kindly dost provide
For every creature’s want!
We bless Thee, God of Nature wide,
For all Thy goodness lent:
And if it please Thee, Heavenly Guide,
May never worse be sent;
But, whether granted, or denied,
Lord, bless us with content. Amen!

so this poem was about a prayer obviously i mean just look at the title
when you first read it its kinda doesn’t flow well

but the second time your ead it it seems pretty well understandable
it reminds me of the simple prayer i used to say when i was little

It just is a poem about thanks to God

its talking abut how good he is to us and how if we need anything
he will give us nothing but good. and whoever was saying the prayer is
saying no matter if you grant us or prayer or denie it
they hope God blesses them with just his grace.
i don’t know if that is right but thats what i got outta if

i think that righting a poem about this was was a good idea
i really enjoyed it

Some literary techniques that i noticed about this poem is the rhyme scheme

it had an AB AB pattern
except that some of the words that were to be rhymed didn’t
go well together like want and lent but it still goes together

some more things i noticed about it was it flowed well with everything.
and it had like 8 lines

Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | February 9, 2009

blog like um 5? fire and ice-robert frost

Fire and Ice

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice. 


so we did this poem in class and it turned out that it was actually like a pretty deep poem 

i read this poem while listening to a very like upbeat song that makes you feel good and after reading this poem it kinds made me have a like a uneasy feeling like. you really have to think about like sometimes ha

for instance when we got facts about this poem it made things click about like the 9 circles of hell or w/e 

my favorite line in this poem was um the whole thing l

everything was so different and opposite but yet it made sense and it made you think.

after reading this poem what i got out of it was no matter what the world we come to justice and everything will be fair.

depending on whether it is destroyed by fire or it its to be destroyed by ice it would all be the same. its just so simple its hard to understand about it all.

this poem has a lot of metaphor in it about like the circles of hell and if you didn’t really know that much about it it would be very hard to understand.

it also has a weird rhyme scheme but it has one. 

after all this thinking it makes me wonder about the end of the world and if ice would be better or fire but in the end they both would burn. its just so deep its hard to understand which to believe in and depending on which one you believe in is it okay?

Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | February 4, 2009

grace pass blog 4 / on a certain lady at court/alaxander pope

well i’m not very good at understanding poems i usually do it wrong but what i got out of this poem was that there is this girl who is super modest and whenever she is told that she is beautiful and great she always denies it.

thats what i got after i read it about like 4 times. i liked it becasuse that how many people in the world arn’t very modest anymore and this is a good definition on what modest is . what i liked most about it was the rhyme scheam it worked super well and was very unique

my favorite line was the last two lines

When all the wold conspires to praise her,
the woman’s deaf, and does not hear

i like this the best because it was very clever and i tend to be modest but this just stood out a lot to me when i was reading because it makes perfect sence.

there is 3 stanza and all talk about how great she is and how she denies it and doeesn’t realize how great she really is.

another line that i thought was super good was

an equal mixture of good-humor
and sensible soft melancholy

it just discribing a very chilled relaxed person who don’t really worry about anything very unlike me.

its just putting oposites together and and is just one big juxtaposition poem all in one. that makes perfect sence like the title of the one in our room the poison tree. all in all this was one of my favorite poems just because it was clever

Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | February 4, 2009

grace pass bolg3-A red, roed rose/robert burns

I like this poem a lot just beacause it was talking about how much a guy want this girl even if it takes miles to go he will go as far as needed to get her.

some things that i noticed about this poem was it would repeat ever other last word of everyother line on some of the stanza and it keeps your intrest for some reason like in the third stanze. it repeats dear everyother line and in the last stanze it repeats luve.

some more things i noticed was it spells words differend would be luve

it remindes me of that some my bonnie lays over the ocean my bonnie lyes over the sea that one

its just a love story in a poem i think this is where that song came from of what that song is based off of.

Its just like one of those corny love poems that girls wood swoon after in the 18th century.

i piced robert burns because his name seemed familliar and it just seem like a good poem to disect so to say for this blog. i really liked how it was written also it just seem swell done.

it also rhymes pretty well except in some parts where it jsut dismisses that idea.

it uses stong things like juxtaposition i think its called when it says and the rocks melt

i like this part because it a stong emphasis on it. its very vivid becaue Rocks don’t melt .

Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | December 16, 2008

I Thank you god- e e cummings

i love how e.e. cummings writes its so tight.. well when i read this poem it makes you think about when you get on a spiritual high.

like for church we go on these like youth retreats in the mountins like camps and what nots. And when your out there you become so so much more into God and your on a “spiritual high” and when you get back home you feel so good about yourself and God and everything but you end up kinda fading away from that and setting back into reality and then you go again and feel that spiritual high yet again. Well that what that part of the poem reminded me of when it said

 i who have dies ama live again today
and this is the sun’s bith day
of life and of love and wings and
of the gay gread happpinings illimitabley earth.

ya lol and that also brings to mind that when youro n the spiritual high all you think about is good things and are super optimistic in what you belive and think and how life is in general its nice. but it all tend s to go away which is sad because in my opinion we should always be on that spiritual high and keep a god attidude and everything.

my favorite part about this poem was the ending it was so tight. it says:

(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)

mmm i love that its so deep and meaningful yet you dont’ have to thinka bout it hard it just comes to you and i love things like that because it makes me what to appreciate the poem and this poem made me do it :]

i think this was great

Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | December 16, 2008

A Study of Reading Habits

THis poem was reallly great to read just because it was original and i wasn’t expecting the out come of what i read and i just liked that a  lot a lot.

i liked how in the beginning it makes you think of a nerdish type of guy who was very content with himself and didn’t care about what people thought of him and he was glad about it.

When getting my nose in a bok
 cured most things short of school.
It was worth ruining my eyes

Until i read this part of the first section of the poem….it kinda creeped me out like. was this guy one of the really really creeper status guys that was super scary?? ya well that what i got from that.

To know i could still keep cool,
and deal out the old right hook
To dirty dogs Twice my size



and the middle part of the poem just totally scared me . the person that was interpreted thought this piece of the poem was really scary like a vampire. talking atoubt his cloak and fangs ripping times in the dark and beating up women…. super creepy if ya ask me.

Later with inch thick specs
Evil was just my lark
Me and my cloak and fangs
Has ripping times in the dark
THe women i Clubbed with sex!
I broke them up like meringues.


and then the endwas just weirel weiredi didn’t get anyof it like it combined everything ad was talking about heros…sigh…i have no idea,. BUT i liked it :]


Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | December 8, 2008

blog 12 or something- The coming of wisdom with time

so, i’ll be honest i chose this poem because it was extreamly short and i liked that like a lot ha ha

it goes

though lieaves are many, the root is one;
through all the lying days of my youth
i swayed my leaves and flowers in the sun;
Now i may wither into the truth.

this to me is a resemblence life and and i think thats kinda deep but it makes total sense

for one its talking about your youth and that it resembles them as roots and that is wise and also it shows how you can grow thought the personification of a plant and i like thta a lot jsut beuace we can relate life to pretty much anything that has a progreation.

it also is talkinga bout the actuon of your youth andbuy talkiing abotu the leaves being us… and then at the end it talks about how you get better in time. it was just so picturesc and i liked that like a lot beacse you can picture the different seasons and that was neat.

when i was reading this i s was kinda tired and so it much have a greater affect on me .. another why i chose it … cause it was short. But,,,,, anyways this was a good poem by this poet i’m pretty sure i’ve read more of his words at an other time. but i especially enjoyed this one just bause its so very true.

things do get better throughout time ……. ya :]

Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | December 1, 2008

blog 11- The Possibility

this poem was very very unique it just was a message within it
also i think that this is one of those poems that takes a lot to understand it and is just kinda confusing if your not in the right set of mind when you read it

i dont’ think i was in the right set of mind when i read this i was very rushed and it made sense but i didn’t acutally know what it was talking about other than realting objects to human qualities

it was a m ajor personification poem that seemed to be wonderful

my favorite part was

i know that work is beautiful
it is a boon, It is a good
unless my working were a way of squandering mysolitude

i think that i liked this cause it well thought trough and not just anyone could do it it had to be connedted thorught something like a message that was meant to be write and for people to see.

james fenton seems to be like a very unique poet that makes think more  personal is that was deep to him but yet understandable by others.

So all in all this poem seems to me to be just confusing but yet very well thought out and.

i think that i chose this because i think that it was something that i could make up its my kind of poem and i like this just because of that a lot lkjalskdmpowekgnAWO:gh

Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | December 1, 2008

A work of Artifice blog post 10

well to start this off i love bonsai trees

those are the ones where they are tiny and just one of those personal trees

and it just caught my attention from that first line
also when it saying that it could have grown eithy feel tall on the side of a mountain i got kinda confuses also when it was saying this it just made me have an imagination.

i mean those trees are just so petiete and personal like you can make the tree your own it just fits so wel with this poem like when it says

It is your nature
to be small and cozy
domestic and weak

this is just so very true i like it

i was confused at the end though where it sayd

with living creatures one must begin very early
to dwarf their growth
te bround feet
the cripple brain
the hair in curlers
the hands you
love to touch

that confused me quite a lot but it also just clicked

so i think that this means that  it just makes you think that one day what makes you you is hwo youll turn out and you just gotta create yourself into something that can be small and personal

sometimes the biggest things arn’t the best and you have to settle for something smaller and chill.

you need to be unique like the bonsai tree and you just gotta
be yourself and show who you truely are and

it just made me think a lot about myself image

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