Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | February 29, 2008

Brainstorming stuff :p …

TOPIC: Children in Uganda trying to get it known out there about the conditions or yea lol 

whos involved in my project??? me!

Specific aspects or aspects of my topic will i research??? well i need to look up the stats. of the issue and just general info that will infom and i don’t know what else i’m not even sure if i’m going to stick with this one..

Who might be the audience???  Well i’m generally leaning twards talking to kids but i think that adults are need a lot for this type of cause.  so kids mainly are the ones i’m trying to affect to show them how important education is and that we should be glad that we have the opportunity to go to school unlike others and just help make the condtions better in another place or something.

Who to write to ??? well i’m thinking of like writeing to the poeple who started the whole invisible children thing for like ideas on what to do to help out the situation if thats what your asking… we need other schools help maybe and everyones help..

When and where will it take a public thing??? well i’m really not sure like maybe we could show the schools videos and enlighten them on the conditions there… i dunno for sure.


  1. This is a great topic but it seems kind of hard lol. I guess I don’t think about other countries as much as i should. We are all pretty lucky that we have what we do and those kids pretty much have nothing…it’s sad 😦

  2. I had the same idea as you before! ha ha. I think it’s really important because so many people don’t realize how much education affects a person until they get out of school. And then it’s like uh-oh! O.o

  3. This sounds like a great idea, Rachel! Is it from something you saw on dosomething? You might want to check out other resources on that site for different ideas to help you with your project. Also, I’d be happy to sit down with you and brainstorm.

  4. I like the idea and I cant wait til you know exactly what your doing. I know you are really interested in this project so I know that this will be a project you do really go at considering its not just busy work to you!!!! lofff ya!!!!!

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