Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | September 1, 2008

My Fear-blog response number 1

Well I have to say that I really did enjoy this poem because I think that everyone reading it could respond or relate it to a moment in their life. When I read this poem it made me think about nightmares or this that I was really scared of such as being afraid of the dark when I’m by myself. When I had first read this poem I was in class and my opinion on it was that it resembled the devil.  I know that’s a strong opinion but, when you think about it fears are created by the devil and one line in the poem was, “maybe he smiles when he finds the right one”.  That’s what caught my attention and made me think that Mr. Fear was the devil.  But, another time I read this particular poem it was when I had just woke up.  And, my opinion had changed. It had changed because I though of this as just about a nightmare not so much being afraid of the dark but afraid of our thoughts.  So, I realized that when you read this poem in different mindsets it can completely alter your interpretation of the poem. There wasn’t really anything in this poem that I disliked it all just made total sense to me and that’s what I enjoy to read.  It allowed you to use your own imagination on figuring out who Mr. Fear was to you and I like that a lot. Because, it didn’t limit you.


  1. Great insights, Rachel! I especially like the point that a poem can strike you differently depending on the mood you’re in when you read it.


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