Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | September 12, 2008

blog post numero dos-this is just to say

When I was reading this poem it made me think of when i was little because, when were little we all took things without asking even though we knew they were wrong.  in this poem you could tell that the person in the poem knew it was wrong but, they did it anyways.  I read this poem in kind of an adgited attitude so maybe this affected me but i think that i would feel the same just because its a reminder of childhood. 

the pulms represent your deepest desire such as money to us nowadays but having them cold and in the icebox it made them that much better.  its like we have money now but we get a bonus with it and that makes us not care what the consequence are so we take it anyways.  Sometime we don’t think things all the way through but instead we just go for what we want and don’t care about who could use it more or what could come from the better of it if we had just left it there.

And in the end we always ask for forgiveness from giving into the temptation of that desire we just had to have.  After the time is up and we got what we wanted we feel as though we could have waite


  1. This is one of my favorites…isn’t it interesting how a poet can convey so much with so few words?


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