Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | December 1, 2008

blog 11- The Possibility

this poem was very very unique it just was a message within it
also i think that this is one of those poems that takes a lot to understand it and is just kinda confusing if your not in the right set of mind when you read it

i dont’ think i was in the right set of mind when i read this i was very rushed and it made sense but i didn’t acutally know what it was talking about other than realting objects to human qualities

it was a m ajor personification poem that seemed to be wonderful

my favorite part was

i know that work is beautiful
it is a boon, It is a good
unless my working were a way of squandering mysolitude

i think that i liked this cause it well thought trough and not just anyone could do it it had to be connedted thorught something like a message that was meant to be write and for people to see.

james fenton seems to be like a very unique poet that makes think more  personal is that was deep to him but yet understandable by others.

So all in all this poem seems to me to be just confusing but yet very well thought out and.

i think that i chose this because i think that it was something that i could make up its my kind of poem and i like this just because of that a lot lkjalskdmpowekgnAWO:gh

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