Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | December 8, 2008

blog 12 or something- The coming of wisdom with time

so, i’ll be honest i chose this poem because it was extreamly short and i liked that like a lot ha ha

it goes

though lieaves are many, the root is one;
through all the lying days of my youth
i swayed my leaves and flowers in the sun;
Now i may wither into the truth.

this to me is a resemblence life and and i think thats kinda deep but it makes total sense

for one its talking about your youth and that it resembles them as roots and that is wise and also it shows how you can grow thought the personification of a plant and i like thta a lot jsut beuace we can relate life to pretty much anything that has a progreation.

it also is talkinga bout the actuon of your youth andbuy talkiing abotu the leaves being us… and then at the end it talks about how you get better in time. it was just so picturesc and i liked that like a lot beacse you can picture the different seasons and that was neat.

when i was reading this i s was kinda tired and so it much have a greater affect on me .. another why i chose it … cause it was short. But,,,,, anyways this was a good poem by this poet i’m pretty sure i’ve read more of his words at an other time. but i especially enjoyed this one just bause its so very true.

things do get better throughout time ……. ya :]

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