Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | December 16, 2008

A Study of Reading Habits

THis poem was reallly great to read just because it was original and i wasn’t expecting the out come of what i read and i just liked that a  lot a lot.

i liked how in the beginning it makes you think of a nerdish type of guy who was very content with himself and didn’t care about what people thought of him and he was glad about it.

When getting my nose in a bok
 cured most things short of school.
It was worth ruining my eyes

Until i read this part of the first section of the poem….it kinda creeped me out like. was this guy one of the really really creeper status guys that was super scary?? ya well that what i got from that.

To know i could still keep cool,
and deal out the old right hook
To dirty dogs Twice my size



and the middle part of the poem just totally scared me . the person that was interpreted thought this piece of the poem was really scary like a vampire. talking atoubt his cloak and fangs ripping times in the dark and beating up women…. super creepy if ya ask me.

Later with inch thick specs
Evil was just my lark
Me and my cloak and fangs
Has ripping times in the dark
THe women i Clubbed with sex!
I broke them up like meringues.


and then the endwas just weirel weiredi didn’t get anyof it like it combined everything ad was talking about heros…sigh…i have no idea,. BUT i liked it :]


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