Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | December 16, 2008

I Thank you god- e e cummings

i love how e.e. cummings writes its so tight.. well when i read this poem it makes you think about when you get on a spiritual high.

like for church we go on these like youth retreats in the mountins like camps and what nots. And when your out there you become so so much more into God and your on a “spiritual high” and when you get back home you feel so good about yourself and God and everything but you end up kinda fading away from that and setting back into reality and then you go again and feel that spiritual high yet again. Well that what that part of the poem reminded me of when it said

 i who have dies ama live again today
and this is the sun’s bith day
of life and of love and wings and
of the gay gread happpinings illimitabley earth.

ya lol and that also brings to mind that when youro n the spiritual high all you think about is good things and are super optimistic in what you belive and think and how life is in general its nice. but it all tend s to go away which is sad because in my opinion we should always be on that spiritual high and keep a god attidude and everything.

my favorite part about this poem was the ending it was so tight. it says:

(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)

mmm i love that its so deep and meaningful yet you dont’ have to thinka bout it hard it just comes to you and i love things like that because it makes me what to appreciate the poem and this poem made me do it :]

i think this was great

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