Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | March 2, 2009

dawn-paul dunbar-blog 4/1


An angel, robed in spotless white,
Bent down and kissed the sleeping Night.
Night woke to blush; the sprite was gone.
Men saw the blush and called it Dawn.

so this poem is written by paul dunbar
i chose it because i wanted to see what the title was talking about.
so when i frist read this poem i notice that it was only 4 line of course and 
also that it had a aa bb rhyme scheme. 
this poem is about not being perfect and how even the most perfect things in
the world don't end up the way they are saught out to be.
i also though of this as like an angel who lost its wings and how 
even if somting bad happens something always good comes from bad
such as wwhen the blush from the angel brought the men dawn and dawn it the start
of comehting new and that just means good has begun.
also when i read this poem i notice the puncuations marks
of periods
and semi colons and comas
it was simple yet it is a very powerful poem .
it give you and image of rjust pur and innocent in your head
this poem mad e me a fan ofpaul dunbar

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