Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | November 17, 2008

blog 10- On Reading Poems to a Senior Class At South High

well i loved this poem to be completly honest ha.
It made me laugh a lot
i really really like just the way the poem flowed and how it made you picutre it and feel like you could be there
It was like a story within a few lines

it made me think of that one PetCo commercial when the guy is swimming with the fish in the fishtank and how he just escaped from all the things. all the business

it was one of the best poems i’ve read for this time and it was just very creative.

i read this when i was at the end of class and after that test in english and it cheered me up eventhough i know we didn’t get the best grade on it. I think that my favorite part of this poem was:

Together we swam around the room
LIke thirty tails whacking words
till the bell rang
a hole in the door

i think i liked this because it was very detailed and you could picture what they would look like and sound like it was just pretty cool to me. it kinda made me laugh too just cause it was so creative. 

I think that haveing this writen in the 1940″s made it extra cool and that  D.C. Berry was an amazing poet and i hope to read more about him and more of his works cause their funny and probabbly something i’d love to read ha yup there’s my blog =] 

Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | November 10, 2008

Blog post 10- Acquainted with the Night

so i chose this poem because well i’ll be honest it was short. but i ended up liking it a lot.i liked it a lot because it was pretty clever. I like how that in the beginning they lock you in with a discription and how it makes you think about it.

I have been one acquainted with the nigt
i have wlked out in rain and back in rain
I have outwalked the furthest city light.

i like this part of it cause it makes total sense you don’t have to disectt it and try to figure out with it means  it just makes perfect sense then when you go to the next passage it makes me think of a funeral … i know thats kinda sad but thats what i get out of it . like when your sad your eyes do whatever they want and sometimes you can’t control what they do like when she says

And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain

that was one of my favorite lines in the whole thing just because it was unique and kinda out of place.
another thing that i like about this passage is that it rhymes we usually don’t see a lot of poems like this anymore its more of those ones that you have to really think about and in the  end still have no clue with they are about its just simple and yet creative at the same time i like that.


so all in all robert frost is one of my favorite poets :]

Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | November 3, 2008

unveiling-blog 9

Well when i first read this poem i had came out of art pretty creative and all and it made actually think to anazlize it but when i read this one there wasn’t much to analyze its was pretty streight forward i think it was saying that even when were dead and gone we still always have everyone with us. like the author was talking about family dinners and what not and how they were layed in the graves its like family is family till the end and you’ll always have them by your side.


I didn’t really like this poem because it  was kinda depressing but otherwise it was ok i liked how pretty mucnh everyone can relate it make you feel connected to linda paston the writer. i wonder if she has had this personal experience or if it was just an idea that she had. i have a feeling that this was a real experience just because it make you feel um…. like it will hapeen to you.

the part i like best abouty this poem is that she says she doesn’t feel sad about it that she has a grown-up secret then usedc to share but she’s not ready to know it quite yet. its like life is a secret and you just have to accept the fact that one day you’ll leard what  that secret is.


the author did a very good job at writing htiws poem because it makes you think about your life and your family and how close family is to you so… in a weird way i disliked this poem but at the same time i really liked it.

Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | October 27, 2008

blog 8- The coming of wisdom

i think that this poem was talking about wisdom in general.  Like its the same as how a tree grows through out the different seasons, its the cycle of life its like as you grow from a leaf and fall off your full to your potintial its like you know everything your grom up to be.i like this one because its simple but yet you can take it how ever you want. i also like that its short. I”m not going to lie this is why i chose this one is because when things are short like this its makes me think more. but anywyas this poem seems to me that the writee had a deeper meaining that it came off as like it affected him personally.  If i were to write a poem like this it would represent my life as a whole and how i’d want it to end up. 


i like how the author put it as leaves as out life, such as the changing of the seasons it make s us have a nother chance. the colors of falls can mean things we learn in life or that i mean it shows what we’ve accomplished.  alwkenbpk its just so deep is a shallow way. its like i keep repeating myself but its hard to write abotu something that can have so many interpetations. i don’t know quite how to say my thoughts other than this poem expreeses life and how we ought to think of it as.


the end

Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | October 5, 2008

blog number 6- Disillusionment at Ten O’Clock

so i particularly liked this poem because it seemed really simple when you read it the first time and it made you think of this author as a weird random one. but then i read what the response to it was and they were talking about how wallace steven came up with his poems often when he was on walks. and when ever i’m on a walk or run i always think of random things such as ghosts or ninjas or crazy things in the weather or what ifs’ you know. so i had to read it a second time to really apply what i just learned about the author to it, but this all ties together in a weird way. its talking about dreams or illusions. and i think that it really neat how he put all of the stuff together i mean in reality i really never think about ghost or  monkeys or periwinkles but i think or people like sailors or ninjas who could do odd things like as the said a sailor who was drunk and asleep in his boots catches tigers in red weather. it completely opposite but yet it makes total sense. i dunno maybe I’m just weird but i really like this poem. it makes to be a dreamer and think about things not just go by thinking about normal stuff but stuff thats magical or dotty thoughts. it makes the reader connect more with what the author was writing his poem about its easier to understand. it makes you think more about things.

Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | September 29, 2008

Beginning Again_blog 5

this poem was all kind of random to me. i didn’t really see the point of it. it goes from not talking to get wiser and then comparing it to a self surgury in a room of mirrors and a dim light. i thought that if you talk less they say you get wiser. but in this case it goes the opposite like your tearing yourself apart. i’m not sure what Franz Wright was getting at but it would take time to understand.

the next part in the story was asking a question in a question. why would you begin again if you didn’t want to. i think this is just saying you can’t really start over in life just go from where you left off and strive for the best. it made me think of like a track race . you can have a re-start but usually you go worse the second time around so instead you just have to push yourself to the end to do your best you can’t always get a freash start but you can finish what you started.

And as for the last part of this poem i got confused because it brings in a random charactor Li Po. and when i read this it made me think that li po was the one who knows everything about every one and is wisest of all. and when it says sow e sit there together until only the mountain remains. does taht mean that you go in peace on the mountain while thinking or hum i dunno

Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | September 22, 2008

blog number 4 – to myself

i think that this poem has a meaning to everyone reading it. it makes me think about how much we don’t really know who we are even though we are ourselves. (if that makes sense) i think the whole poem is about finding yourself and realizing how if you look hard enough you can find yourself through your past. I think this poem could also be for older people like someone with Alzheimer’s when the author says in the beginning “i believe i would know you i keep remembering you sometimes long ago” its like they know who they are but still are confused. not only could this be meant for them but as i said before everyone. 

i read this poem when i was sick and it made me think a lot. like at the part when it says : i think then i can recognize you who are always the same who pretend to be time but your are not time and who speak in the words but you are not what they say you who are not lost when i do not find you” i had to read this a couple times to understand it. i think that it means, we portray ourselves to be something we are not and that is what people tend to believe and in the end they do know the real you and so do you its just your image you have created for yourself.  in the end i really enjoyed this poem because it was true and it made sense if you took the time to read and understand it and relate to it.

Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | September 15, 2008

blog number 3- Wallflowers

Well this poem made me think of being left out. like that one kid who was always picked last in P.E. or something.  Or, not even being able to play.  It kinda of a sad poem because i know its just talking about words and all but it can go with other things just like most poems. when i read this i had just gotten in an argument and it made me kind of see what the other persons side was better. Feeling left out. We’ve all felt this way before even if we don’t want to admit it and i like that. It makes me feel included and not left out like those words gegenshein or zonanthropy. I like that she put those words in it, i mean i had to look them up and i found out that gegenshein wasn’t even english but german or something and zonanthropy was like a mental disorder in which one believes oneself to be an animal. I liked her word choices at the end just because both were just words out of the ordinary we all could have looked up and understood.  

Another thing i liked was how she made the words that were nothing have homes like the orphans in Dickinson bedroom and Ellis Island. because the words are people in a sense. and in her poem she makes them have a home at the end inviting them to live in her poem.  I think that all together this poem was pretty awesome because you could relate it to people sports foods like whatever you want. 

Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | September 12, 2008

blog post numero dos-this is just to say

When I was reading this poem it made me think of when i was little because, when were little we all took things without asking even though we knew they were wrong.  in this poem you could tell that the person in the poem knew it was wrong but, they did it anyways.  I read this poem in kind of an adgited attitude so maybe this affected me but i think that i would feel the same just because its a reminder of childhood. 

the pulms represent your deepest desire such as money to us nowadays but having them cold and in the icebox it made them that much better.  its like we have money now but we get a bonus with it and that makes us not care what the consequence are so we take it anyways.  Sometime we don’t think things all the way through but instead we just go for what we want and don’t care about who could use it more or what could come from the better of it if we had just left it there.

And in the end we always ask for forgiveness from giving into the temptation of that desire we just had to have.  After the time is up and we got what we wanted we feel as though we could have waite

Posted by: peopletendtocallmerachel | September 1, 2008

My Fear-blog response number 1

Well I have to say that I really did enjoy this poem because I think that everyone reading it could respond or relate it to a moment in their life. When I read this poem it made me think about nightmares or this that I was really scared of such as being afraid of the dark when I’m by myself. When I had first read this poem I was in class and my opinion on it was that it resembled the devil.  I know that’s a strong opinion but, when you think about it fears are created by the devil and one line in the poem was, “maybe he smiles when he finds the right one”.  That’s what caught my attention and made me think that Mr. Fear was the devil.  But, another time I read this particular poem it was when I had just woke up.  And, my opinion had changed. It had changed because I though of this as just about a nightmare not so much being afraid of the dark but afraid of our thoughts.  So, I realized that when you read this poem in different mindsets it can completely alter your interpretation of the poem. There wasn’t really anything in this poem that I disliked it all just made total sense to me and that’s what I enjoy to read.  It allowed you to use your own imagination on figuring out who Mr. Fear was to you and I like that a lot. Because, it didn’t limit you.

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